I almost certainly have some sort of what many refer to as an attention disorder. Is it still called ADD, ADHD or is there some other name for it now? It doesn’t matter. It’s all the same to me. My assessment about where it comes from: we didn’t get enough of the right kind of attention as babies or children, and it created a “deficit” of attention that resulted in a “disorder” as we grew.
The difference between me and most who have one of these disorders is that I’ve learned to turn mine into a superpower. And, I believe you can too.
My guess is you may have something similar.
So many things you want to do, maybe trying to do them all at once, and then not doing any of them at all very well. Often, feeling as if you are failing as a result.
Been there, done that.
Turn Your “Attention Deficit Disorder” (ADD) Into Your Superpower
Now, though, because I’ve harnessed this disorder and turned it into a superpower, I’m able to accomplish far more than most people can. And, my guess is, if your harness your powers, you can too.
So, today, because you are clearly one of my true fans (you’ve made it here before anyone else, or you’ve come in late, but scrolled all the way back to read from the beginning), I want to give this gift to you.
I paid a coach $30,000 to learn this, so even though the part of you that dismisses your ability to focus is probably doing everything it can to get you to dismiss what I’m about to share and go on to do something else … stay here.
Read this. Take it in and apply what you can. The part of you that is bigger than the part that thinks you can’t will thank you.